
The Teachers

Find out more about the Shuyukh that shaped the Seminary and the teachers who will be helping to deliver the content.

The spiritual inheritance of the saintly scholar is a lineage of shared suhba, link-by-link — mind and soul — to the illuminating reality of the Messenger ﷺ.

Shaykh muhammad Emin ER

Shaykh Muhammad Emin Er (May Allah have Mercy upon Him)

The source of Shaykh Muḥammad Emin Er’s rare majesty and beauty came from his lifelong quest to emulate, to the fullest extent possible, the outer and inner character of Allāh’s Beloved ﷺ. He returned his trust to Allah in June of 2013.

The Founder

Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui

When North American students would approach Shaykh Muḥammad Emin to entreat him to take them as his students, he would answer: “Why are you coming to me? You have Mokhtar with you.”


Shaykh Riad Saloojee

His teachers include Shaykh Muhammad Emin Er (may Allah envelope him in His Loving-mercy), Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui, and Shaykh Taha Karaan (may Allah envelope him in His Loving-mercy).

Our Teachers

Dr. Amir Abdelzaher

Dr. Amir obtained his Ph.D from the University of Miami, taught at several universities, and was a teacher and Director of Planning at the Islamic School of Miami. He has been studying the Islamic sciences with Shaykh Mokhtar for nearly two decades. In particular, he is passionate about the study of the Qur’an, its interpretations and its sciences.

Sidi Naeem Saloojee

Sidi Naeem Saloojee left his position as CEO of a start-up company in artificial intelligence to join the Suhba Fellowship Program in Istanbul with his family. Before that, he was the Director of Operations for a successful national Islamic advocacy organization. He has been studying the Islamic sciences with Shaykh Mokhtar for over two decades. The sciences that appeal most to him are theology and the Prophetic biography.

Sidi Moutasem Atiya

Sidi Moutasem Atiya has devoted his entire life to Islamic activism, organization and education, and has spent time and studied Islamic sacred knowledge with many of this century’s luminary scholars. He is the founder of Al-Madina Institute whose goal, as he says, is “to forge a truly global, spiritual community, and to bring individuals and families together to live the spiritual reality of Islam in a modern context.”

Dr. Ali Hazratji

Dr. Ali, a neurologist by profession, was born in India to a respected family whose lineage reaches to Rasulullah ﷺ. Since his early years, he has been an avid student of sacred knowledge and studied with various teachers, including Shaykh Mokhtar, with whom he has enjoyed an intimate companionship for close to two decades. Dr. Ali has traveled the world extensively in the service of da’wa.

Sidi Samer Amous

Samer Amous has a degree in business, and was one of the most gifted graduates of the Suhba Fellowship Program in Istanbul. He remained in Istanbul after the program, and studied the Islamic sciences with Dr. Hamza el-Bakri, Dr. Ahmed Snober, and Shaykh Amjad Rashid. He currently lives in Istanbul, where he is continuing his studies under the mentorship of Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui.

Sidi Abdul-Basit Khan

Sidi Abdul-Basit is a prominent lawyer with his own private practice in Canada. For many years, he was a dedicated social and political activist, and the chair of the board of a national Muslim advocacy organization. He lives with his family in Toronto where he continues his mentorship and studies under Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui.

Dr. Zulekha Jalal

Dr. Zulekha lives with her family in the United States where she practices pediatric medicine. She is a lifelong student of Islamic sacred knowledge, has been a student of Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui for two decades, and continues to study under his mentorship. Dr. Zulekha is a spiritual mentor and advisor to the sister students in the Seminary.

To download the full biography of Shaykh Muhammad Emin Er, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui, Shaykh Riad and the other Seminary teachers click here.