
The Suhba Seminary

For Islamic School teachers and adminstrators

Why the Suhba Seminary?

Because we were created to enjoy an experiential relationship with Allah and His Messenger , transform our inner character (akhlaq), and live a life of true freedom and noble happiness.

Why enroll your school teachers and adminstrators in the Suhba Seminary?

Because truly successful Islamic schools, recognize the importance of continually developing the spirituality and essential Islamic knowledge of their staff.  Only then, will they be able to provide a truly Islamic learning experience for their students.

The seminary is designed to be a transformative educational experience inside-out,  for your entire school staff.

How does the Seminary realize its vision?

Through a unique, carefully designed multi-year curriculum that holistically integrates knowledge (‘ilm), practice (‘amal), mentorship and fellowship (suhba), and applied life-learning.

What is the Suhba Seminary?

The legacy of Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui, a scholar thoroughly versed in Islamic and secular knowledge, with a lifetime of experience in learning, practicing, teaching, counselling and mentoring. 

May the sacred knowledge that you find here — and, most importantly, the practice of this knowledge — assist you to polish and purify your heart